Democrats Demand A New Candidate in 2024 as Biden’s Poll Numbers Hit A New Low

President Joe Biden’s approval ratings started to decline immediately after he took office in January 2021.

They spiraled further during the botched Afghanistan withdrawal and continued to deteriorate with the rising inflation, the looming economic crisis, and the war in Ukraine.

According to the latest New York Times/Siena College poll, Biden poll numbers have hit a new low, and Democrats are reconsidering their options.

Only a third of Americans approve of Biden's job as president.

Countrywide, Biden has a 33% approval rating, with 13% strongly approving and 20% somewhat approving of his job as the president of the United States. 

Party-wise, 70% of Democrats strongly (30%) and somewhat (40%) approve of the president’s job in office. 

However, only 8% of Republicans strongly (3%) or somewhat (5%) approve of the president, with 89% strongly (83%) and somewhat (6%) disapproving of Biden. 

Among the Independents, only a quarter (25%) strongly (8%) or somewhat (17%) approve of Biden, with 68% strongly (48%) or somewhat (20%) disapproving of the president of the United States.

Biden performs poorly across most demographics.

Biden scored highly with African Americans, with 62% strongly (30%) or somewhat (32%) approving of his job. 

However, only 30% of white Americans strongly (10%) or somewhat (20%) approve of the president. Similarly, only about a third (32%) of Hispanic/Latino strongly (12%) or somewhat (20%) approve of Biden.

Biden also performed poorly among women (35%), men (31%), 18-29s (19%), 30-44s (40%), 45-64s (31%), over 65 (42%).  

Biden scores poorly on jobs and the economy.

A fifth of respondents (20%) cited jobs and the economy, while 15% cited the high cost of living.

Only 1% of the respondents described the economy as excellent, while 6% as good or excellent. However, more than 9 of 10 Americans (93%) described the economy under Biden as poor or fair.

Democrats want another candidate to replace Biden.

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of Democrats want another candidate to run for president on the Democratic ticket in 2024, while only 26% want the party to nominate him again.

The biggest discontentment was among Democrats under 30, with 94% preferring another person to run for president in 2024. Similarly, two-thirds (67%) of Democrat women preferred another candidate to replace Biden in the 2024 presidential race.

A third of Democrat voters cited Biden’s age as a top concern, while 32% cited his job performance. 

Other reasons include a preference for a new candidate (12%),  not being progressive enough (10%), the ability to win the general elections (4%), and Biden’s mental acuity (3%). 

American voters believe that the country is on the wrong track. 

Over three-quarters, (77%) of Americans believed the country was headed in the wrong direction, with only 13% believing otherwise. This figure was the worst since the last recession.

Most discontented groups were:

Republicans - 89% 

Whites without a bachelor’s degree - 85%

30-44-year-olds - 83% 

White  - 82% 

44-64 year-olds, those with a high school degree or less, and independents - 81%

Women 79%

With the looming economic crisis and Ukraine war dragging on, it is unlikely that Biden's poll numbers will improve.

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